

A three-tier institutional mechanism has already been established in the State:

Empowered Committee on Infrastructure Development (ECID), headed by the Chief Secretary, to approve the projects to be implemented on PPP format. The State Government finally approves the PPP projects.

PPP Cell,under the direct supervision of the Principal Secretary, Planning Department, who is the State PPP Nodal Officer, acts as the Nodal Agency to coordinate and monitor the PPP projects. This Cell serves as the secretariat of the ECID and it is being strengthened to support departments in project development, appraisal and evaluation. This Cell provides all hand-holding support for development of these projects

Implementing Agencies– the respective administrative departments/agencies to identify, develop and execute the PPP projects. Respective administrative departments have nominated one of the officers as nodal officer for PPP projects.

PDCOR Ltd.Provides services for project development including on PPP format and other innovative services for infrastructure projects. The State Government Departments/ Agencies can engage PDCOR Ltd. on single source basis as per the notification S.O. 135, No.F.1(8)/FD/GF&AR/2011 dated September 4, 2013 issued by Finance (G&T) Department, Government of Rajasthan under sub-section (2) of section 6 of the Rajasthan Transparency in Public Procurement Act, 2012 read with rule 32 of the Rajasthan Transparency in Public Procurement Rules, 2013.

A new fund titled "Rajasthan Infrastructure Project Development Fund" (RIPDF) has been created with an initial corpus of Rs. 25 crore for supporting the development of credible and bankable PPP projects that can be offered to the private sector and the other infrastructure projects wherein Government of India reimburses project development expenses. The RIPDF is not a source of grant funding for the Administrative Departments. The Fund assists ordinarily all the project development expenses to the department. On successful completion of the bidding process, the project development expenditure is recovered from the successful bidder. However, in case of failure of the bid, the assistance need not be recovered. The Administrative Departments are liable to refund the amount of assistance received, in case it does not conclude the bidding process for some reason or does not contract out the project after completion of the bid process.

The Rajasthan Social Sector Viability Gap Funding Scheme has already been notified for promoting PPPs. All Administrative Departments, Autonomous Organizations and local bodies of the State are eligible to get viability gap support for their social sector infrastructure and services. Viability Gap Support can be in the form of any of the following or a combination thereof:

  Capital Subsidy
  Interest free or concessional loan
  Land free of cost or at concessional price on lease basis
  Building free of cost or at concessional price on lease basis
  Subsidy in lump sum or related to outputs
  Norm based recurring expenditure grants
  Any other appropriate mode of providing support

Nodal Officer : Pankaj Yadav, Senior Manager, Mob.: 9828033110, E-mail :